Find out what crossfit is and if it helps you lose weight

It makes one lose weight since CrossFit is a modality which contains a vast range of exercises which include strength training, aerobic activities, and high-intensity anaerobic activities. Thus, it’s one of the best practices which will be prescribed for someone aiming at losing weight healthily as well as gaining them quickly.

This happens because, in addition to strength, the day’s workout, also known as WOD , is made up of functional exercises that result in significant fat burning during practice.

CrossFit is recommended for all types of people, but, like any physical activity, it is necessary to undergo an assessment before starting, so you can start training more safely and without running any health risks.

Still in doubt? Check out how it works, its benefits and why CrossFit helps you lose weight.

After all, what is crossfit?

Focused on physical conditioning and endurance, this type of physical activity was initially only used in training for police officers, military personnel, and professional athletes. After some time, it began to receive popularity among sports enthusiasts and is now a huge craze.

Activities that can be done include aerobic exercises, weight lifting, gymnastics, and core training. These happen in so-called boxes, which are huge places with little equipment because, as said before, your body is the main tool in CrossFit.

The sessions are high intensity, lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour of exercises that occur every three or even five days of the week. And be prepared for surprises, as there is no routine, the workouts vary frequently. And it is worth maintaining a diet and diet focused on this modality .

Does Crossfit help you lose weight or define?

CrossFit helps you lose weight and tone up. In other words, you can lose weight while improving your fitness at the same time. In a 60-minute class, for example, you can burn up to 1,000 calories if you train intensely.

Weight loss is a result of the exercises used in practice, such as jumping, skipping, pushing tires, jumping rope , doing push-ups, squats, movements such as the thruster , which move the entire body, as well as abdominals and all types of possible movements in the form of a circuit that vary in each class.

Toning, a major attraction of CrossFit, is very effective for those who don’t want to do weight training at the gym. The high intensity of the workouts is responsible for optimizing the time spent on each sport, ensuring that the body goes to its limit and experiences constant improvement, gaining more strength in a healthy way.

Crossfit or gym: which is better for losing weight?

If you have this doubt, know that both can help you lose weight. The choice is very personal, so take into account the environment and equipment that will be most comfortable to motivate you towards your goal.

CrossFit is known for being faster at losing weight, as its workouts focus on intense repetitions that really speed up the process and bring quick results in burning calories and gaining muscle mass.

The best thing to do is to ask friends who do CrossFit and the gym and try to compare results and experiences, as each body has its own way of losing weight and gaining muscle. There are also issues regarding diet, which needs to be light and healthy, as we have already mentioned.

Other health benefits of crossfit

CrossFit, just like any form of physical exercise, improves health for the body and mind. It enhances movement and flexibility so that one may execute a myriad of exercises that require a longer range of movement. This results from the classes that repeat many movements.

As we have already said, the training is very intense, which helps with physical conditioning, eliminating the need for exhaustion and effort to perform other exercises and also making the activities increasingly natural and fluid.

CrossFit also releases endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, substances responsible for our mental and emotional health, considerably improving symptoms of stress and anxiety.

And finally, it’s fun. The workouts are always a new discovery and a new challenge with unusual equipment and, with the right choice, a motivated team that will help you in your search for results and to maintain your new lifestyle.

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