Everything you need to know about natural sedatives

The hectic daily routine, concerns about personal life and  work , chaotic traffic, especially in large cities, among other factors, have contributed to  daily stress and have resulted in a highly accelerated pace of life. This, in turn, negatively impacts physical and mental health .

Furthermore, the excessive amount of stimuli we receive at all times, even in the palm of our hands, through tablets and smartphones , is an aggravating factor. After all, the rotation we make between computer, TV and cell phone has the potential to increase irritability levels at the end of the day.

In view of this, in the long term, it has become increasingly common for some conditions to emerge that sometimes require the monitoring of health professionals, such as anxiety disorders and depression. However, this does not have to be the path, as it is possible to rely on natural sedatives as good allies to combat warning signs, before the condition evolves into a more serious situation.

Let’s talk about it in this post. Enjoy reading!

What is a natural sedative?

Simply put, a natural sedative can be defined as an alternative to the medications that are normally administered to calm and reassure people . There are numerous options in this regard.

However, it is important to note that, in some cases, replacing allopathic medicines will not be possible, even though, for the majority, it is an interesting solution.

It is worth remembering, of course, that ideally its use should be combined with changes in lifestyle and behavior . After all, adopting good daily habits will also make all the difference in overcoming stressors.

Furthermore, seeking guidance from a doctor is always the best way, so that your situation can be assessed individually, considering any peculiarities.

What are natural sedatives for?

In order to harmonize the emotional state, natural sedatives are usually floral, homeopathic or herbal. As a rule, they have the potential to modulate the brain’s neurotransmitters, so that their mechanism of action reduces responses to  anxiety and stress , promoting a feeling of greater balance, more tranquility and general well-being.

Basically, they act by increasing the release of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, activating the cortex. Thus, they modulate the limbic system, which is responsible for promoting learning, memory, mood, thought and emotions.

What are its benefits?

In fact, the advantage that stands out most, especially when natural sedatives are compared to conventional anxiolytics, is the fact that the concentration of active ingredients is usually lower. In addition, it is combined with other compounds, since this reduces the risk of adverse side effects and any dependence .

In this sense, although the results may take a little longer to be noticed, natural sedatives do not have the same aggressive potential as others.

How do some foods and drinks work in the body?

A key tip for those looking to mitigate the effects of a stressful day-to-day life is to opt for a diet that includes foods and drinks that have, among other benefits, a calming effect. This is because there are nutrients that have the potential to slow us down , encourage rest and even promote a feeling of general well-being. Below, we list some excellent options.


Avocado is known for its healthy fat and works in the body as a powerful antioxidant, preventing premature cellular aging. In addition, the fruit is quite rich in Vitamin B , which is an essential nutrient for those who are looking for a natural calming agent.

It can be consumed pure, in savory dishes (such as the famous guacamole, part of Mexican cuisine), salads, smoothies and snacks. Avocado not only has magnesium, but also contains beta-sitosterol. This is a substance that acts to regulate cortisol, the stress hormone, which accelerates the rhythm of the entire body.

As a plus , the fruit can help with intestinal function, facilitating the synthesis of neurotransmitters that improve our mood. It can be consumed daily, but it is worth avoiding large quantities, as it has a lot of calories.

Mint tea

Mint itself has numerous benefits, as it helps detoxify the body and acts as a type of diuretic. In addition, it has a vasodilatory effect, helping to relax muscles and relieve pain , reducing, for example, nausea, cramps and headaches.

Thus, mint tea ends up being a good natural sedative, with calming effects that act on the brain region and can even reduce the feeling of fatigue.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is considered a natural sedative due to its composition, which  contains passiflora . Therefore, if you want to take your day more calmly, it may be a good idea to drink two cups of concentrated passion fruit juice, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The fruit is also rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, which are nutrients that act as tranquilizers in the central nervous system . Just remember that it is not advisable to overdo it. After all, if you drink more than three cups, for example, you may feel drowsy.

Chamomile tea

One of the best-known when the goal is to reduce nervousness, chamomile tea has sedative properties . Thus, it is an excellent option to reduce  anxiety , prevent insomnia, combat abdominal pain caused by gas or cramps and relieve pain in general.


Lactucin, which is concentrated mainly in the stem, the substance that gives the leaf its calming effect . The ideal is to include the vegetable in the daily menu, preferably in a quantity equivalent to a dessert plate per meal.

To vary your consumption, you can try different types of sauces and even combine lettuce with other leaves and fruits and vegetables. Another interesting option is to prepare teas from the vegetable, prioritizing the stem in the infusion.

Decaf Masala Chai

The drink, which is also known simply as “ chai ”, contains milk in its composition and, for this reason, involves its benefits. However, it is important to keep in mind that the original recipe uses black tea, which is not a good option for those looking for a calming effect.

Therefore, it is best to opt for decaffeinated versions of the drink , which have the potential to help reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone commonly linked to stress.

Wheat and oat bran

Wheat bran and oat bran are excellent sources of magnesium, which promotes relaxation . In addition, both contain fiber and B vitamins, which promote good intestinal function and serotonin synthesis.

On a daily basis, a good alternative is to add them to vitamins, yogurts, porridge, fruits and shakes, in the minimum quantity of one tablespoon.

Banana and citrus fruits

Bananas comprise vitamin B6, which helps the synthesis of serotonin , and they also comprise magnesium. Therefore, it is a superb idea to devour one an afternoon, preferably at breakfast or between food.

Citrus culmination, for example, kiwi, strawberries and oranges, have quite a few nutrition C, potassium and folic acid, vitamins which act at once in the worried gadget, bringing stress levels and fatigue down. It is suggested to devour one serving each day. For strawberries, this would be approximately ten devices.

Coconut Water

Although many human beings do not know it, coconut water, as it includes large amounts of potassium and magnesium, helps with muscle relaxation . In addition, those minerals have the capability to enhance blood circulation, which makes the drink a top notch choice for a herbal sedative.

Chocolate with 60% cocoa

The magnesium and phenylethylamine present in its composition help regulate stress levels and promote well-being, as they act to release substances that improve mood . However, to avoid this choice weighing you down, it is recommended to limit consumption to two small squares per day.

Infusions with honey

Because they are consumed hot, teas are generally highly recommended for those looking to reduce nervousness naturally. However, when the goal is to consume them as a natural sedative, it is important to give preference to those that do not contain caffeine, as this component tends to make our body more “accelerated”.

On the other hand, an interesting practice, regardless of the tea chosen, is to add honey to the infusion. This ingredient, in addition to sweetening the drink, eliminating the need for sugar, has therapeutic properties with a calming effect .

Almonds, walnuts and nuts

They are all part of the oilseed group and are highly rich in B vitamins, magnesium and tryptophan, which help to minimize stress, help treat depression and induce sleep . However, as they are alternatives that contain fat, although considered good, it is recommended to eat them in moderation due to the amount of calories.

Lavender tea

With a calming, relaxing and antidepressant effect , lavender is an excellent ingredient for making teas to relieve the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety . Ingesting it reduces stress levels, improves  sleep quality and even has the potential to normalize heart rate and  blood pressure .

Valerian tea

Valerian has a mild sedative effect, which promotes calm and promotes a more peaceful sleep . In addition, due to its calming properties, it is used in teas to help combat the effects of panic and anxiety .

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