Emotional intelligence: how to use it in decision making

Many people have difficulty making decisions . This is because every decision-making process requires us to put something aside while prioritizing something else. But how can we be sure that we won’t have regrets sooner or later?

Questions like these tend to arise in different contexts in life. The choice between one degree or another; following one professional path or another; ending a relationship or not; saving money or not; breaking the diet or not.

That is, decision-making can be difficult for many people. However, this is an essential process that occurs in important or routine areas of life. Typically, those who have the most difficulty in these moments are people who are very perfectionist, insecure and have a habit of procrastinating.

In this context, working on emotional intelligence to better handle decision-making can be quite useful . So, continue reading and learn more about developing this ability!

How does the decision-making process take place?

Decision-making criteria vary from person to person. After all, it depends on cultural and socioeconomic contexts, personality, mood and external interference. In any case, the cognitive process tends to be very similar among all people.

In other words, when the existing options increase the individual’s anxiety and fear, it is common for the brain to prioritize protection. So, it opts for less creative paths and for brain connections that are already known, which reduces the chances of surprises.

On the other hand, in moments of greater relaxation, it is possible that the brain chooses the opposite and more innovative path. In any case, any path followed usually involves both the rational and emotional sides of people — the latter being more common than the former.

Prioritizing the emotional side of decisions is often part of today’s individual. This is because it has been a common movement in society to focus on emotional relationships, rather than decisions based on profits, for example.

However, the benefits of a decision can often be equivalent to the risks . In these cases, it is common for the brain to have more difficulty in making a choice, which requires greater mental effort.

Why do many people have difficulty making decisions?

As you can see, some decision-making processes are more difficult than others. We are talking about everything from the most important decisions to the simplest everyday ones. Regardless of the context, every choice involves eliminating some alternative.

If the situation is new and the possibilities for the future are unknown, the suffering tends to be even greater. The frontal lobe , located in the forehead region and which works together with the limbic system, is directly affected by this. It is in this area that both good and bad sensations are registered.

So, when faced with the need to make a decision, the brain remembers these feelings. In any case, it is worth noting that decision-making requires a considerable expenditure of energy. Therefore, this process can be more difficult when the body does not have enough energy, such as in cases of excessive fatigue, hunger, sleepless nights, etc.

This situation tends to get worse if the existing energy is wasted unnecessarily on small decisions. This is the case with those that need to be resolved with greater objectivity, such as what clothes to wear, what food to cook, among others.

Therefore, when faced with major decisions, our brains are tired and exhausted. Thus, for many people, the defense mechanism adopted is to avoid making decisions . This situation is even more common in adults who had little autonomy in childhood, which reduces self-confidence.

Other contexts that can hinder decision-making are:

  • have many options available;
  • excessive perfectionism;
  • laziness;
  • forgetfulness (in the case of more absent-minded people).

What is the relationship between emotional intelligence and difficulty making decisions?

When thinking about the difficulties in making decisions, it is possible to understand how this affects each person’s personal and professional life. After all, choices are necessary to increase objectivity, productivity and good performance at work.

Likewise, they are important for healthier relationships with others and with yourself. In this regard, you should know that emotional intelligence plays a fundamental role. Proof of this is that research shows the relationship between this concept and increased sales in companies.

This is explained by the fact that professionals with emotional intelligence are able to adopt more appropriate behaviors and make decisions efficiently . Consequently, there tends to be an increase in sales and profitability at work.

On the other hand, employees who lack emotional intelligence often have difficulty in this regard. The reason is that they have greater difficulty in learning how to deal with anxiety and fear.

Having greater control over your emotions is an increasingly necessary quality . After all, the modern era imposes countless daily pressures on us — the Covid-19 pandemic is a great example of this. Thus, even though many situations we experience are not ideal, they exist and need to be overcome in the best possible way.

However, constant pressure increases the chances of us making hasty and poorly informed decisions. This is why high emotional intelligence is so important. So, it is also fair to say that this concept helps in the pursuit of success and fulfillment.

To better understand, follow some aspects of life that are affected by emotional intelligence:

  • interpersonal relationships;
  • physical health;
  • mental health;
  • performance at work.

What are the pillars of emotional intelligence?

As you have noticed, emotional intelligence is essential for making better decisions. After all, it contributes to increased focus, concentration and agility. At the same time, this ability is important for reducing fear and anxiety .

To achieve these points, it is necessary to work on some pillars . Learn more about them below.


Everyone has values ​​and beliefs that they defend, which may or may not be related to religious dogmas. To remain in good standing with these aspects, it is important to maintain consistent attitudes in your life that do not distance you from them. This achievement helps you feel good about yourself and have greater serenity in your actions.


Affective bonds are essential for the development of emotional intelligence. This is because they are associated with the emotional side and a greater sense of pleasure and well-being. Similarly, toxic environments and abusive relationships harm these feelings. Therefore, it is more difficult to maintain serenity and manage emotions.


Physical health conditions also affect emotions. For this reason, it is essential to focus on a quality diet and physical exercise. Other recommended healthy habits include avoiding excessive stress , getting quality sleep every day, and avoiding excessive alcohol, cigarettes, and other substances.


Preserving mental health is another essential pillar of emotional intelligence. To achieve this, it is also important to take care of your physical, social and spiritual health. In addition, it is worth focusing on slowing down and disconnecting from life. This can be done with the help of meditation and different breathing techniques.

What are the characteristics of people with emotional intelligence?

Given the importance of emotional intelligence, it is important to know the characteristics of people who have this ability well developed. This is valid for inspiration and to help you understand whether you are on the right path and where there is room for improvement. Check it out!

Emotional control

Everyone goes through situations of fear, tension, pressure and other unpleasant feelings. However, not everyone is able to deal with them in the best way. Although it may seem complicated at the time, these feelings can help each person understand their limits, know when to say “no” and stop being passive.

Now, all of this needs to happen with a balance between the emotional and rational sectors . That is, impulsive and excessive actions do not suit an individual who has emotional control. After all, the idea is to be able to get around uncomfortable situations in the best way possible.


Individuals with high emotional intelligence know that there are countless daily challenges, but that they must be overcome. Therefore, they are able to motivate themselves to adopt more active and healthy attitudes when faced with adversity.

Examples of this could be losing a job, someone close to you falling ill, the announcement of a pandemic, etc. Naturally, going through these situations is not usually easy, but those who understand that they were necessary can be motivated to maintain healthier behaviors.

Therefore, obstacles that arise are seen as part of the process for those who want to achieve a specific goal. Furthermore, self-motivation is important in times of monotony and repetitive activities . After all, it is necessary to overcome procrastination and laziness.

Recognition of other people’s feelings

Having empathy, putting yourself in other people’s shoes and recognizing their feelings, is one of the greatest qualities of emotional intelligence. This is important not only from a personal point of view, but also from a professional one. After all, it helps you understand what customers, managers and other employees of a company want.

This understanding leads to the adoption of strategies that are more aligned with such expectations. Consequently, it is possible to increase profitability and satisfaction of those involved.

Also consider that this quality increases connection with other people . This is a fundamental factor in avoiding arguments and misunderstandings in relationships. Keep in mind that people are complex and that there may be explanations behind their actions.

Interpersonal relationships

As you can see, interpersonal relationships are essential for individuals to have a healthier life. However, for this to happen, it is not enough to have such relationships. It is necessary to deal with them in the best way possible and employ different social skills .

This initiative is particularly related to the characteristics already mentioned, such as empathy, emotional control and self-knowledge. After all, when someone has a positive relationship with themselves, it becomes easier to get along well with another person.

Typically, those who possess all of these characteristics also tend to find leadership easier. This is because there is a combination of personal skills and cognitive skills , which leads to better management of one’s own emotions and greater “flexibility” in dealing with others.

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