Discover the main natural treatments for insomnia

In recent years, science and medicine have invested heavily in research on the importance of quality sleep. This is because many people are seeking treatments for insomnia, as the problem directly impacts health and general well-being .

But what is insomnia and why does it occur? How can you identify the symptoms and know when to seek medical help? How can you reduce the consequences of insomnia ? If you want to clarify these and other questions, this article will help you a lot. Enjoy reading!

After all, how important is healthy sleep?

From a physiological point of view, sleep performs a fundamental position in the fitness of the frame and thoughts. During sleep, the brain performs very important restorative capabilities for the body. Among these, cell and tissue repair sticks out, which reduces the chance of growing diseases.

For the youth, sleep is essential for the release of growth hormones, which affect bone and muscle growth. For older people, it is to sleep properly to enhance the brain’s strength in addition to boosting immunity, which helps them avert diseases that are brought about by aging.

Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate habits that promote healthy rest. But this depends on changes in your routine, as your night’s sleep is a reflection of the activities you carry out during the day . Therefore, sleeping well is crucial for preventing and promoting health in different ways.

What causes insomnia?

This is a condition generally caused by various factors. As such, the causes of the lack of sleep — and resulting in sleepless nights — are significant to know for the proper management of insomnia for each case.

However, it is worth remembering that specialized medical help is necessary, as it is not always possible to identify on your own what causes the change in sleep. Therefore, insomnia must be treated with regular monitoring by specialists .

We have listed some of the factors related to lack of sleep. Take a look:

  • generalized anxiety disorders;
  • depression and similar emotional disorders;
  • hormonal problems;
  • work-related fatigue or exhaustion;
  • gestation;
  • problems with food quality;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • use of illicit drugs;
  • chronic diseases.

How can insomnia harm your health?

Even though sleep patterns are individual, health professionals recommend sleeping six to eight hours a night. If you sleep below this average, your body’s optimal functioning may be compromised and you are more likely to develop various diseases, as shown in a study published by BBC News .

In fact, poor quality sleep is very harmful and puts your health at risk. In this regard, we have gathered the most common consequences here. Check them out!


Because sleep is so important for controlling the body’s functions, people who sleep poorly are more likely to gain weight , which can lead to obesity.


One of the problems attributable to sleep deprivation is out of control blood sugar stages . This function is finished through the hormone insulin, which, while unregulated, can cause the development of type 2 diabetes.

Cardiovascular sicknesses

Those who do not sleep properly run the danger of putting extra strain on their heart, as the organ is unable to recover and perform its capabilities day after today. Even even though it keeps to pump blood to the frame continuously, it desires to slow down at some point of sleep.

Furthermore, a sequence of nights with few hours of sleep contributes to increased calcification of the heart’s most important arteries . Thus, one of the consequences of insufficient sleep is the emergence of problems such as high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

Constant colds and flu

Sleep also serves the purpose of rejuvenating the body’s immunity to disease. That is, people who experience insomnia are more susceptible to infections and more frequent cases of flu and colds. Normally, such conditions are linked to sleep deprivation because lack of rest weakens the body’s immunity .

Emotional disorders

Another very influential factor for mental and emotional health is the quality of sleep. People who suffer from sleep disorders are at higher risk for psychological problems such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and panic syndrome .

Is it possible to treat insomnia?

Yes. Insomnia and anxiety can be treated with herbal medicines, traditional medicines, psychotherapeutic support, and other natural alternatives. For instance, teas made from lemon balm, fennel, and chamomile can induce sleep.

We can begin with herbal medicines like passionflower . This agent calms anxiety and puts the person in a calmer mood, so he could be able to sleep. Based on this, health professionals recommend using herbal extracts in combating insomnia and improving the quality of sleeping.

How to reduce insomnia by changing your routine?

We highlight some good bedtime habits that, in addition to the use of herbal remedies recommended by your doctor, can bring great results in combating insomnia. Take a look:

  • avoid consuming foods that rob you of sleep , such as chocolates, soft drinks and coffee;
  • try to sleep at regular times so your body gets used to a healthy sleep routine;
  • do physical activities regularly, as they stimulate the production of hormones that stimulate sleep;
  • invest in sleep hygiene, as the environment, lighting and mattress quality deserve special attention;
  • Avoid using screens before bed, as electronics wake up the brain and make it difficult to sleep.

Finally, it is worth noting that medical help is essential to diagnose the problem and adopt the best treatments for insomnia. Therefore, seek professional guidance, as it is possible to obtain great results through natural remedies that help you sleep better .

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