Balanced diet: how to do it, how to maintain it and its benefits

To have a balanced diet, include foods that provide nutrients for your body in your daily diet and remove industrialized and processed options from your menu, eat at least three meals a day, drink plenty of water and don’t eat too close to bedtime.

Create your menu, balancing the options we have listed below and, preferably, with the support of a nutritionist!

  • Eat 5 servings of vegetables a day

Vegetables and legumes are great sources of water, fiber, vitamins and minerals and UN guidelines say that an adult should eat 400g of vegetables a day – the equivalent of five portions.

Don’t be afraid to fill your plate with them! Darker leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are even more nutritious and can be eaten daily.

  • Eat as much green salad as you want

And speaking of leaves, it is important to say that a balanced diet will always include the consumption of green salads – lettuce, arugula and similar. Tomatoes need to be controlled, as well as other components of these “big salads” that we usually buy or make, but not leaves.

  • Opt for lean proteins

The proteins found in abundance in meat and fish are essential for brain and muscle development and, for these and other reasons, should be part of a balanced diet.

It is best to consume lean meats on a daily basis, and therefore cuts of beef that have a lower fat content, skinless chicken breast, and fish that are also less fatty.

Legumes and nuts are a protein alternative for vegetarians and vegans and, at the same time, they work as a dietary supplement even for those who do not have any type of restriction.

Try including foods like beans, lentils, almonds and peas in your meals!

  • Enjoy fruit in snacks and desserts

The best sources of nutrients and minerals are fruits, which also help hydrate the body because each fruit contains a very good awareness of water. They also contain anti inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients that save you persistent diseases and aging, so eat them.

Want greater? Fruits are full of fiber, useful resource in intestinal feature, and growth the sensation of fullness. They are ideal for an afternoon snack or when hunger moves.

  • Choose good fats

Fat should now not be termed a villain, even whilst thinking about a well-balanced diet, however the fact is there are extraordinary kinds of fats, and it’s far with these differences which you need to be careful. Some fat are rather caloric and unfavourable on your health, however the so-known as “suitable fats” serve critical features inside the frame.

Unsaturated fat is a good example of suitable fats, and it’s found in foods that reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and growth excellent ldl cholesterol (HDL). It’s observed in fish and olive oil, avocado, nuts, and other seeds. All those can be taken in, however not too much.

Saturated fat , alternatively, is found in a few meats, cheese and butter, as an example. It is critical for the body, but should not be fed on in massive portions or, in some cases, no longer even each day – due to the fact, whilst it accumulates in the partitions of blood vessels, it is able to motive coronary heart assault or stroke.

Now, avoid trans fat at all costs !

This is the real villain, as it is of no use to the body, raises cholesterol levels and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. It is present in stuffed cookies and ready-made ice cream, among many other processed and ultra-processed foods.

  • Give preference to whole grains

Grains are good in all their forms, but in their whole form they are even better for a balanced diet.

They lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reducing any inflammation in the body that can lead to chronic diseases associated with metabolism, such as diabetes, and heart problems, such as hypertension.

Understand “grains” as seeds and cereals , for example: oats, corn, beans, whole wheat, brown rice, lentils and peas.

  • Add salt to food with caution

Also seen as a villain by many, salt helps with seasoning and has health benefits if consumed in moderation, mainly because it helps to balance the amount of water in the body.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows! Regulate your salt intake carefully because, if consumed in excess, it increases blood pressure, causes swelling and weight gain.

  • Control your sugar intake

That little spoonful of sugar in your coffee or tea won’t cause any problems if you don’t drink four or five cups of coffee or tea a day, and it can also be found naturally in products like fruit juices, honey and syrup. In the right amount, it’s fine!

Now, using sugar in high doses can be “bad” for you: in large quantities, it causes obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and fatty liver.

Try to gradually eliminate the habit of consuming sugar from your routine and opt for natural sweeteners or fructose itself , found in fruits, and nothing else.

Now, read on to find out how to introduce a healthy diet into your life.

Maintain a balanced diet with these 7 steps

1. Find a nutritionist

A nutritionist will guide you through changing your diet based on what you see in your blood tests and physical and clinical assessments. You will share your difficulties, concerns and goals with this specialist.

There are several types of diet that your doctor may recommend for you, such as the ketogenic diet and the sirtfood diet , but remember that each person’s journey with food is unique, so it’s only fair that your care is ultra-personalized.

2. Don’t rush and understand your own timing

Eating well doesn’t happen overnight: adopting a healthy diet is a process that requires determination and a lot of focus. To avoid making a sudden change that could bring a bad mood and few results, go slowly.

Start by swapping sausage for grilled fish the first week, for example. The following week, add some vegetables to your lunch and dinner for at least three days, and so on.

Did you go off the rails? No guilt! Saturday night’s pizza or Sunday’s burger won’t hurt you if your diet is balanced, and between you and me, how about challenging yourself to eat one less slice than last time or just order the burger without the fries?

3. Prepare your home for the new diet

Time to shake up your kitchen cabinets! Replace sweets and processed foods in your pantry with natural foods, such as rice and beans, and leave just one shelf for treats.

When you’re hungry, you’ll be the first to choose healthier options, reducing your intake of products that don’t add anything to your body.

Don’t know how or don’t have time to cook? Look for lunch boxes that are truly healthy and prepared with care by someone who knows what they’re about. Buy a few to have a full week of healthy food and, if you like them, buy a monthly package the next time you buy them.

Changing your diet can also be a great reason to start getting your hands dirty.

There’s no secret to preparing a basic meal for everyday life that’s really tasty and, in three or four hours on Monday, you can have everything ready so you don’t have to talk about pots and pans again until next Monday!

One way or another…

4. Pay attention to how you prepare what you are going to eat

Food preparation also influences how healthy a meal is, so remember to reduce oil, olive oil and salt, as well as avoid fried foods and ready-made seasonings. Grilled, baked and steamed foods are the best options, and how about investing in an air fryer?

5. Create meal times

Having a routine is an ally of healthy eating. Everyone should eat at least three meals a day. Respect your body and listen to its signals: don’t eat more than you can handle or go too long without eating anything.

When the body goes without food, it can store more fat and also generate excessive hunger, often leading to the consumption of industrialized and ultra-processed products.

6. Don’t rush when chewing

The way you eat also impacts the absorption of nutrients and the feeling of satiety, so chew well and take your time.

Focus on the moment and leave distractions like your cell phone and TV aside. Mealtime is sacred, not to mention that you can taste the food better and have a smoother digestion process.

Along with all this, drink water. Lots of it!

7. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is more than mandatory in a balanced diet.

Liquid helps with the absorption of nutrients, metabolism and the transport of vitamins, such as B1, B2, B6, B12 and C, to the rest of the body. How much is recommended? At least 2 liters per day, but consult your nutritionist to confirm!

If you have trouble drinking water, use the strategy of always keeping a bottle or a glass full and fresh nearby. Soon, the action becomes automatic and consumption becomes a habit.

Then, just enjoy the benefits of your new routine.

10 benefits of a balanced diet

Healthy eating is the most clichéd advice that can really transform your body and your life. A balanced diet provides countable benefits like prevention of diseases and retardation of old age.

People just on fast food and fry foods, or else drinking soda daily, are generally very fat and have lots of health complaints. They seem to be tired all the time and find it hard to focus.

When you adopt a balanced diet, you see many more benefits than just a few pounds on the scale. We’ve listed 10 of these advantages.

1. Prevents chronic diseases

A balanced diet increases levels of good nutrients. Fiber, vitamins and minerals regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reducing the chances of developing dreaded chronic diseases.

Avoid diabetes, heart problems, obesity and even cancer by following a balanced diet.

2. Strengthens the immune system

The immunes system becomes stronger by minerals and vitamins. That is why sick persons occur seldom among those who eat well. The fight against infectious agents is effective, and the proliferation of microorganisms that we want to keep away from is prevented by consuming these nutrients.

3. Adjusts hormone production

Nutrients have a role in hormone production and thus a ratio of carbohydrates and proteins will assist in the control of this activity. The probability of thyroid disorder, reduced fertility and diabetes reduce.

4. Helps in losing weight

Those unwanted love handles can become a thing of the past for a person if one lives by a balanced diet. The growth and renewal of tissues, especially muscles, bones, and skin, depend largely on food. This is the surest and best way to gain muscle mass and lose weight.

5. Combats muscle pain

That pain in your back or knee that won’t go away could be caused by a poor diet and made worse by tiredness and discomfort caused by eating too much .

A balanced diet provides nutrients that help with muscle regeneration and prevent wear and tear, as well as being excellent sources of anti-inflammatories.

6. Delays aging

Do you know when screws oxidize and become rusty? That’s more or less what happens to our bodies over the years too! The aging process can be slowed down by antioxidants, “good” foods that attack free radicals – precisely those responsible for oxidation.

7. Gives you more energy

The feeling of indisposition disappears and gives way to plenty of energy to face the day. No more tiredness, difficulty sleeping or bad mood. Improving your eating habits leads to a balance of nutrients that provide energy.

8. Reduces stress and improves mood

Your stress is most likely due to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Balanced meals regulate your levels and make you feel much calmer. Say goodbye to mood swings!

9. Helps with productivity and concentration

Ultra-processed and fatty foods put your body in the unwell zone, as it needs a lot of energy to process products that don’t even have nutrients. A balanced menu facilitates your metabolism and gives you that boost.

The nervous system will also be grateful for vitamins and minerals, which will leave your concentration and memory sparkling.

10. Ends insomnia

Tired of sleepless nights? A balanced diet can be your salvation! Heavy meals, eating close to bedtime and processed foods are a catastrophic combination that makes the body work harder, causing indigestion and insomnia.

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