For health care to be long-lasting, it has to start from within. In this regard, zinc intake for women has been increasingly useful in the preservation of the immune system and maintenance of health. This is because it plays vital roles in all parts of the body, including regulating insulin, preventing weight gain, and much more.
To make it clearer, remember that zinc takes part in more than 200 enzymes that carry out catalysis of chemical reactions in the organism . The lack of the mineral will reduce the strength of the immune system and the man will become far more susceptible to diseases. Not so pleasant but true, at least according to statistics from the WHO , today more than 30% of the Earth population suffer from deficiency of zinc in their organism.
Want to learn more about the importance of zinc in women’s health care and how to intensify this protection? Read our article and get your main questions answered on the subject!
What is zinc?
Zinc is one of the necessary minerals for the human body. The mineral takes part in virtually all functions in the body to ensure that it works healthily.
Since it is not a product of the body, it must be consumed daily and in a balanced way. This will ensure that neither deficiency nor excess of the mineral occurs, which also poses risks to health.
Given the importance mentioned, know that zinc can be found in foods such as:
- peanut;
- almond;
- nuts;
- red meat;
- bean;
- chickpea;
- chestnuts;
- shrimp;
- oysters;
- crab;
- egg (yolk);
- chicken;
- pumpkin seed;
- fresh Minas cheese;
- skimmed natural yogurt;
- rye flour;
- linseed.
This nutrient is important for everyone, at all ages, but not in the same quantity. A diet rich in zinc for women, for example, requires taking into account the changes characteristic of the female body, such as the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
What is zinc used for in the body?
Zinc activates a number of physiological processes in the body. It supports cell division, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, hormone production, sense of smell and taste improvement.
It also is involved in the maturation process of the defense cells of the immune system and also shows the existence of undesirable agents in the body, such as viruses and bacteria. The benefit of zinc on the healing of the skin results from its participation in collagen synthesis.
Its performance in protein synthesis helps to gain muscle mass. In the case of hormones, it is essential for the proper performance of the thyroid and to maintain the balanced level of testosterone and insulin .
This nutrient works as an antioxidant by restricting the creation of free radicals and keeping the proper working of cells. In such a way, it helps in healing the body as a whole and rejuvenating the skin.
After all, zinc is pretty important for women’s health in general, and their reproductive health in specific terms. Later, we will discuss how this element can help women reproduce.
Why is zinc important in women’s health care?
Zinc is an element that participates in the body’s vital functions, which makes it essential for everyone. In the case of women, specifically, it helps improve reproductive health and maintain the body’s balance. Learn more about the benefits of zinc for women below!
Combats aging
Zinc has the power to neutralize the effects of free radicals, which tend to multiply with age and from greater sun exposure, excessive physical exercise, abuse of fatty foods , alcohol and cigarettes.
In other words, if there are no elements capable of controlling the effect of these substances, signs of aging tend to appear more quickly and intensely. This harms the appearance of the skin, in addition to increasing the risk of the emergence of numerous other diseases.
Improves female fertility
For people who want to get pregnant, understand that zinc acts to increase libido and egg manufacturing, which can be vital for fertilization. Fortunately, the mineral additionally has a high-quality effect on male fertility, because it will increase testosterone manufacturing and prostate function.
All these situations growth the possibilities of a female getting pregnant at the side of playing maximum delight of their sex existence. Another manner via which zinc facilitates ladies is by regulating hormones such as progesterone and estrogen.
Progesterone, collectively with estrogen, facilitates hold the menstrual cycle and prepares the uterus for receiving the fertilized egg.
Contributes to weight reduction
Maintaining a wholesome weight is crucial, more for health motives than for cultured reasons, on account that being above or below the right weight makes the frame extra susceptible to sicknesses. In this experience, zinc increases the sensitivity of insulin, which is responsible for controlling blood glucose stages. In addition, it allows reduce fats accumulation.
Another positive aspect of weight loss is that zinc stimulates the thyroid gland, which acts on the functioning of the body’s cells. The stimulus accelerates metabolism, making calorie loss faster, which reduces the risk of diabetes , improves digestion and reduces fat accumulation.
Enhances muscle mass gain
Considering that zinc plays a role in the reproduction and repair of damaged cells, mainly by neutralizing free radicals, adequate consumption of the mineral helps with muscle growth after hypertrophy exercises. Furthermore, it is important to know that the element serves to maintain testosterone at adequate levels.
Refreshes memory
This nutrient defends the cells of the nervous system in the fight against free radicals and contributes to the proper functioning of cognitive functions. Therefore, learning, focus , attention and memory improve significantly when zinc levels in the body are normal.
Likewise, zinc ensures the production, accumulation and release of insulin at healthy levels in the body, a hormone whose function is to maintain adequate levels of glucose in the blood. Consequently, it helps to prevent insulin resistance.
Improves healing
Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, zinc provides proper skin recovery in cases of surgery, wounds, ulcers common in diabetics and acne treatment. It also helps in healing by producing collagen and, therefore, provides firmness and elasticity to the skin.
Helps prevent cognitive diseases
There are cases of people with this ailment who are deficient in zinc. Thus, specialists have concluded that the affiliation between this nutrient and one of these disease makes experience. This is because zinc is an enzyme that protects the body from oxidative strain, this is, it fights unfastened radicals.
But it is well worth remembering that the reasons of the onset of Alzheimer’s disorder are nevertheless not clean to technology.
A lack of zinc predisposes to depression. On the contrary, its presence helps the generation of synapses between neurons.
Prevents pneumonia
This nutrient reduces the body’s resistance to antibiotics. Therefore, it reduces the duration of the disease and shortens the patient’s recovery time.
Reduces blood pressure
Zinc helps to repair blood vessels damaged by LDL, known as “bad cholesterol”. It also improves taste, which reduces the need for salt in food and, consequently, protects the heart from getting worse.
Acts as an antioxidant
In general, it can be said that zinc plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy immunity of the body. After all, it plays a defense against free radicals (air pollution, foods with pesticides and chemical additives, stress, cigarette and alcohol) attacking cells, contributing to the maintenance of health in the female organism.
What are the dangers of zinc deficiency?
Zinc deficiency in the body can impair your health by bringing about diseases or complications from pre-existing ones. Hence, in case you have the following symptoms or conditions, consider getting medical advice from a nutritionist as your zinc levels may be below what they should be:
- irritation;
- weak nails;
- fatigue ;
- dry skin;
- hyperactivity;
- hair loss;
- pimples;
- little appetite;
- reduced sense of smell;
- healing problems;
- infertility;
- depression;
- heart problems;
- diarrhea;
- neurological disorders.
Furthermore, a lack of zinc in women can also hinder the absorption of other nutrients that help the metabolism function properly .
What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in a woman’s body?
If zinc is involved in the body’s main functions, a reduction in the mineral tends to cause failures in various parts of the body, which can lead to symptoms such as:
- sudden weight loss;
- loss of appetite;
- non-healing or open wounds and others mentioned.
How to improve women’s health care with zinc?
In order for the body to take advantage of the amount of zinc ingested, it is necessary to take some care when preparing and consuming food. Meat and dairy products should not be consumed at the same time, nor within an hour of each other.
Foods rich in zinc, such as whole grains, are also not recommended, as they prevent the absorption of this nutrient from other sources. However, the combination of fruit juice with Vitamin C and delicacies full of zinc optimizes the assimilation of the same.
When preparing legumes, such as beans, discard the water in which they were soaked and the water from the first cooking when they come to a boil. Repeat this process twice to eliminate the tannins present in the beans, so as not to compromise the absorption of zinc.
Finally, it is recommended that women seek a nutritionist who can indicate the ideal amount for daily consumption . To do this, foods rich in the mineral should be included in the diet. Furthermore, zinc supplementation is welcome to complement needs, as long as there is a professional to guide the dosage.