Understand the role of collagen in sports practice

Do you know what role collagen plays in physical exercise? This protein is useful for promoting greater resistance and elasticity in the skin. These benefits help prevent injuries and muscle pain during sports. They also help with body movement.

It is naturally produced in the body. However , with age, it is normal for this protein to be scarcer . Besides that, a poor diet and the onset of severe diseases are also associated with collagen deficiency.

So, do you want to know more about the role of collagen, especially in physical exercise? Stay with us and find out more!

What is collagen?

As mentioned, collagen is a protein produced by the body to help with the elasticity and firmness of skin, hair, and nails. It helps support body tissues such as joints, bones, tendons, and muscles.

This one is as though it serves some sort of purpose as “glue”, such as its very name indicates to be vital to the sticking or cohesiveness of tissues or organs. Other ways this same collagen is also absorbed in bodies are by these supplements and certain foods.

What is collagen for?

You’ve probably already noticed that collagen is essential for people to have a better quality of life and even to be able to practice physical activities without major risks. Learn more about this below!

Helps with physical activities

This is because, during physical activities, the body needs a lot of movement and flexibility. Also, consider that some exercises overload parts of the body. For example, running requires greater support from the knee, while ballet demands a lot from the lower back.

As seen, collagen helps support and strengthen certain areas of the body. Therefore, it helps protect the body during sports and in recovery, should there be any problems.

Therefore, a lack of this protein makes the individual more susceptible to injuries and pain during physical activities , which can be light, moderate or intense. In fact, even simple walks tend to be a challenge for those who deal with a collagen deficiency.

Prevents premature aging

Collagen is also well-known for its aesthetic benefits. This is because the protein, by maintaining the firmness and resistance of the skin , helps to reduce wrinkles, expression lines and sagging.

Since the collagen produced by the body decreases with age, it is common for older people to have these characteristics. In fact, they become more visible in sedentary people, since physical exercise helps to strengthen muscles and tone the skin.

What is the role of collagen in physical exercise?

As you read, you will notice that one of the main benefits of this protein is that it is an ally for physical activities. There are many reasons for this. Learn more about them!

Joint pain relief

Pain is common when playing sports. However, depending on the frequency and intensity, it can indicate a bigger problem and can compromise the ability to perform daily tasks. To avoid situations like these, collagen acts as a protective layer for the joints, which relieves pain both during rest and during movement.

Increased bone density

As seen at the beginning of the article, part of bone formation involves collagen, which makes up approximately 30% of the proteins in the body. Thus, a lack of collagen reduces bone mineral density, which weakens the region and increases the risk of falls and fractures.

It is mainly for this reason that falls and bone fractures are more common as we age, when, among other reasons, there is also a decrease in collagen production. This means that this group also becomes more prone to developing diseases such as osteoporosis.

Strength gain

Playing sports requires joint strength to perform squats, run, walk, lift weights, climb stairs, etc. Likewise, in everyday life, it is often necessary to perform similar activities, even if they are lighter. Have you ever wondered how your body manages to do this without harming itself?

Part of the answer involves the role of collagen, which protects joints, muscles, bones and tendons. Therefore, it is possible to repeat sets of physical activities frequently and even increase the intensity to gain strength . If these precautions are followed properly, the chances of injuries and pain are small.

Fat reduction

Excess fat can harm an individual’s quality of life. For this reason, it is common for many people to burn calories when they exercise. In this sense, collagen is another ally.

This is because protein helps to increase the feeling of satiety. This delays hunger and makes it easier to follow a balanced diet. Consequently, calorie consumption tends to be lower, influencing the individual’s willingness to exercise. This also influences the individual’s willingness to exercise.

However, despite the benefits mentioned, collagen cannot be considered a protein with weight loss potential.

In any case, the role of collagen in physical activity has become clear. To take advantage of these benefits and enhance the effects, opt for foods that contain the protein. This is the case with meat, chicken, fish, citrus fruits and much more. In addition, there are dietary supplements with this substance that are easily absorbed by the body.

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