Learn 6 exercises on how to train your biceps

You can do your biceps workout with dumbbells, pull-ups, barbell curls, weight plates, crossovers, or kettlebells. All of these options are great for a complete biceps workout.

Those who continue to seek hypertrophy in biceps training should change the training regularly , as the muscle tends to get used to the exercise. Therefore, it is always good to have other exercise options to train biceps.

Ideally, you should practice the exercises with the help of a professional to avoid injuries. Also, don’t forget to stretch to avoid muscle strains.

Ready to go? Check out some tips and six exercises to get a complete biceps workout.

6 ways to train biceps

Putting together a workout based solely on this muscle is a difficult task, since there are not many exercise variants that specifically focus on it. Hypertrophy exercises in biceps training basically consist of flexing the angle between the elbow and the shoulder.

But what is the difference between the exercises, then, if they all consist of almost the same movement? The difference lies in the different grips: neutral, supinated or pronated, which will help to strengthen the muscle.

Check out the six exercises we’ve selected to help you put together your workout!

1. With calisthenics pull-up bar

This is a excellent alternative for folks that need to exercise anytime and anywhere, particularly outdoors. But what’s calisthenics ?

Calisthenics is a training method in which the best device you’ll want to perform the exercise is your personal body weight. And it’s far possible to teach your biceps the use of this technique.

As an example, we have separated a supinated grip exercise that you can do with the help of a horizontal fixed bar that you can hang from.


  1. Hold the horizontal pull-up bar with your hands in a hook shape, with your palms closed and facing you.
  2. Take a deep breath and, using the strength of your biceps, raise your torso as far as you can, preferably making your torso reach the bar.
  3. Repeat the sets with a rest interval between them, as this is an intense exercise that demands a lot from the biceps muscles.

2. Dumbbell training

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on a bench and choose your dumbbell.
  2. Keep your spine straight and support the arm that will be flexed on your knee.
  3. With the dumbbell in hand, bend your arm towards your chest. For better postural alignment, you can use your knee as support to extend your arm.
  4. On the return movement, stretch your arm, but not completely.
  5. Alternate arms between sets and repeat the movement.
  6. Do the same number of repetitions for both arms.

3. Barbell curl training

  1. Hold two dumbbells or a long barbell with your arms positioned about torso-width apart. Add weight if necessary.
  2. Adjust your feet so that they are hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly to gain more stability while performing the exercise.
  3. Your palms should be facing you.
  4. Bend your arms to chest height.
  5. Return the movement until your arms are almost straight, but do not extend them completely, flexing them again before your arms are fully extended.

4. Weight training

  1. Choose a weight that you feel comfortable holding in your hands.
  2. Then, place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly to gain stability during the exercise.
  3. With your arms almost completely straight and your hands holding the sides of the weight plate as if they were pincers, bend your arms up to chest height.
  4. On the return movement, be careful not to fully stretch your arms.

5. Crossover training

  1. Place the pulley at the lowest possible level and fit the horizontal bar into the crossover.
  2. With your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent, hold the bar with your palms facing you.
  3. Select a comfortable weight and pull the bar towards your chest, moving only your forearm. The movement is being performed correctly when your forearm fully touches your biceps.
  4. Return the movement slowly without completely straightening your arms.

6. Kettlebell swing workout

  1. Grab a lighter weight kettlebell to start the exercise.
  2. Position your legs hip-width apart and maintain an upright posture.
  3. Hold the kettlebell in one hand and perform a swing movement: bring your arm forward to give momentum, bring the weight between your legs and, with the help of the momentum in the return movement, bend your forearm until it touches your biceps.
  4. Repeat the rocking motion until you complete the series.
  5. Be careful not to hit your shoulder with the kettlebell when bending your arm.

Some tips to avoid getting hurt when training your biceps

Some of the exercises we mentioned require more from the body than just bicep curls, such as kettlebell swings and pull-up biceps workouts.

Therefore, stretch well before and after performing the exercise. This helps to avoid the dreaded injuries and muscle strains . In addition, stop the movement if you feel any sign of discomfort.

The number of sets of each exercise varies according to your fitness and physical preparation, so ideally you should have a qualified professional to help you during training.

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