Understand now how lack of hygiene harms the immune system

Do you know why poor hygiene was initially associated with the transmission of Covid-19? Frequent contact, especially of the hands, with different surfaces and people increases the chance of infection by viruses and bacteria that are embedded in these elements, which is associated with the emergence of flu and colds, for example.

It is now known that the aforementioned habit is not the main cause of coronavirus transmission. However, poor hygiene harms the immune system , as it has to deal with numerous pathogens that may have come into contact with our bodies and work twice as hard to ward off the risk of disease.

Depending on the level of contamination and the strength of the immune system, diseases can appear with greater or lesser severity. Want to understand more about the subject and find out how to avoid this problem? Keep reading!

What is the relationship between poor hygiene and health?

Can you calculate the number of people and objects you come into contact with on a daily basis? And the number of people who touch the same objects you touch?

It is difficult to have an exact answer, especially for those who use public transport, transport apps, gym equipment, supermarket trolleys, elevators, door handles in shared buildings, computer keyboards and mice in companies, etc.

Each of these can be smothered by thousands of germs (viruses and bacteria). Just touching them and then touching your eyes or mouth allows them to enter your body. What happens from there depends on how many and how severe the germs were that were transmitted and how good your immune system is at responding.

The bad news is that it’s impossible to eradicate absolutely all bacteria, viruses or germs from an environment, even with great dedication. After all, there are millions of germs inside your body alone, those responsible for preventing diseases and so on. And, even if this goal were achieved, the generally malignant and the beneficial effects, which are essential for life, would be eradicated.

The good news is that following proper hygiene habits without becoming a neurotic can protect your immune system and fight off many infectious diseases. Another way of saying it: banish poor hygiene, don’t forget common sense.

What are the health risks of poor hygiene?

According to data from a WHO report , more than 2 billion people are impacted by serious hygiene problems , such as the lack of basic water services and the lack of proper separation of waste disposal. As a result, 7,000 newborns died due to poor hygiene in health centers.

The data makes it clear that excessive lack of hygiene causes countless problems that can even lead to death. In addition, there is a risk of infection by the coronavirus. In addition to the risk of death from this disease, its effects are not yet fully known. Furthermore, it tends to overload health systems.

How to maintain hygiene in everyday life?

The transmission of numerous diseases could be prevented if at least 40% of people washed their hands properly, as shown in a WHO study . After all, it is common to use this part of the body to carry out most activities, which makes it the main source of contact with contaminated people and elements.

When you have access to water, soap and a tap, don’t hesitate to prioritize this option to avoid lack of hygiene and follow the steps below:

  • wet your hands;
  • soap;
  • wash the palms and backs of your hands thoroughly;
  • rub between fingers;
  • also wash thumbs and wrist;
  • if possible, finish with alcohol gel.

In addition, it is also important to avoid rubbing your eyes and to cover sneezes and coughs with your hands — prioritize the use of disposable paper towels —, especially if you are outside the home, where there is a greater chance of viruses, germs and bacteria spreading.

How to improve the immune system?

As has become clear, poor hygiene harms the immune system, which favors the onset of diseases and other detrimental effects on quality of life. But, in addition to this bad habit, there are others that can be avoided to protect immunity, such as:

  • overdoing it with alcohol and cigarettes;
  • sleep little and badly;
  • drink less than 2l of water daily;
  • be sedentary ;
  • neglecting a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients;
  • ignoring mental health care;
  • etc.

Therefore, avoid poor hygiene to protect your immune system and, in addition to avoiding diseases, have a better quality of life, combat the transmission of diseases to other people and the overload on health systems.

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