5 Best foods for Healthy joints

Joints are structures found in the human body that act as an important link between bones. They are essential for movement and contain small bundles of nerve fibers, cartilage and collagen in their composition.

The most common joints are those in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, spine, knees and feet. In general, they work together with other skeletal parts distributed throughout the body.

In this material, you will learn about the main foods for joints. You will also see where they are found and the importance of maintaining a balanced diet to protect the health of these structures that are so fundamental for movement.

Enjoy reading!

How important is good nutrition for joints?

In general, joint problems are associated with structural wear and tear or excess weight. These factors are the most relevant among those that tend to aggravate joint pain.

In view of this, it is necessary to seek alternatives that help maintain a balanced diet, to the point of reducing body weight and strengthening joints. In this context, excess sugar and salt and the consumption of red meat are very harmful to the joints.

However, in addition to having healthier foods in your diet, you should also adopt a lifestyle compatible with maintaining healthy joints. For this purpose, regular physical activity, reduction of smoking and alcohol use, and investment in activities that promote quality of life are crucial.

What are the 5 best foods for joints?

We highlight the most recommended foods to avoid joint problems. Check them out!

1. Blue fish

Cold-water fish, such as salmon, provide omega-3 , an essential oil for health. This is one of the most recommended compounds for the elderly , as it works as a powerful anti-inflammatory and reduces joint pain.

2. Yogurt

Yogurts and fermented milks consist of good bacteria, called lactobacilli . These components are essential for assisting the joints, primarily when there is swelling, injury, or sensitivity because of inflammatory conditions, for instance.

3. Turmeric

Also referred to as turmeric, turmeric is a spice with very high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are critical in maintaining healthy joints and ligaments and preventing pain episodes in this area.

4. Lean proteins

Proteins are important for building healthy connective tissue and strengthening muscles. Considering that most of the structures of tendons and joints are made up of proteins , including these foods in your diet is essential, don’t you agree?

Therefore, if you are thinking about foods for joint health, the ideal is to include beans, eggs, poultry, fish, chicken, cottage cheese, lean red meat, low-fat yogurts and tofu in your diet. A good suggestion is to combine lean proteins with salads and whole grains.

5. Green tea

It is no doubt that green tea is one of the most popular teas with medicinal properties, grown in popularity among Peoples. The reason is simple: the drink is said to help relieve pain in the joints.

There is evidence to prove this tea contains specific components to combat joint problems. Therefore, the tip is to increase consumption in certain clinical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

What foods are rich in vitamin c?

Vitamin C strengthens joints and, together with other substances, is part of the select group of antioxidants for those who practice sports . Oranges, strawberries, kiwis and broccoli are rich in vitamin C and help in the formation and stabilization of collagen . This allows the fibers to gain stability and resistance.

These characteristics are essential, especially for joints, tendons and ligaments. All of these structures require collagen to promote the stability of their movements.

As a guideline, you have to consume the foods that have vitamin C. That is, the best available strategy for gaining the intake of raw vegetables or citrus fruits. Lastly, the best way that you can consume the benefits provided by vitamin C is by enjoying vegetables rich with this vitamin naturally.

Finally, it is worth highlighting that it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and include products from all nutritional groups. In this sense, prioritizing the consumption of foods that are good for joints makes diet an important ally in the prevention of joint and bone diseases.

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